Cool game!

Hi! I have 2 game to share

I will make the page look better l8r. I just want to have a portal for my game right now! !

Expect umm, something in the future.

Download here!



Q/E: Rotate Camera!

Arrow Keys: Move

F: Reload level

F3: Cheat! Moon jump, 100 health, and dance mode. Press again to toggle most things off

Space: Jump - Goomba stomp your opponents

Esc: Quit

If you would like to read more about the game and why Im sharing, heres a page about my purpose for making the game

My Purpose

Download here!



Q/E: Rotate Camera!

Arrow Keys: Move

F: Reload game

F3: Cheat! Moon jump, 100 health, and dance mode and 100 mana. Press again to toggle most things off

Space: Jump - Goomba stomp your dojo rival!

1 key: Cast Zaker! Kiyo yells the spell and you fire in the front facing direction!!

2 key: Cast Zakerga! Kiyo yells the spell and you fire a faster beam!

3 key: Cast Jikerdor! Kiyo yells the spell and you fire and orb. Opponents hit with it will become magnetized!!

Esc: nothing

Neocites has file limits, so to play this game early you need to download the pck file then put it in the same folder as the game, here is the file

GragasDojov0.3 PACK

Click chilli to go back home!